Date Pattern Calculator
Want to know if the digits in a date are sequential, repetitive, or can be read the same way forwards and backwards? Use the Date Pattern Calculator to find out unique and interesting mathematical patterns in different date formats.
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117 patterns found for Thursday, 5 December 2024
Click on any row to see an animation of the date pattern.
Readable Date | Order of Date | Grouped as Date | Grouped as Pattern | Type |
5 Dec, 00:02:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 00:02:15 | 5120-0-0215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 00:02:15 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 0:02:15 | 5120-0215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 00:05:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 00:05:21 | 1250-0-0521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 00:05:21 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 0:05:21 | 1250-0521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 00:12:50 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 0:12:50 | 1250-1250 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec 2024, 00:21:42 | YY-MM-DD H:MI:SS | 24-12-05 0:21:42 | 24120-5-02142 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 00:21:50 | DD-MM H:MI:SS | 05-12 0:21:50 | 0512-0-2150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 00:21:50 | DD-MM HH:MI:SS | 05-12 00:21:50 | 05120-02150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 00:50:21 | MM-DD H:MI:SS | 12-05 0:50:21 | 1205-0-5021 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 00:50:21 | MM-DD HH:MI:SS | 12-05 00:50:21 | 12050-05021 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 00:51:20 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 0:51:20 | 5120-5120 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 01:02:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 01:02:15 | 5120-1-0215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 01:05:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 01:05:21 | 1250-1-0521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 01:12:15 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 1:12:15 | 5121-1215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 01:12:51 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 1:12:51 | 1251-1251 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 01:15:21 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 1:15:21 | 1251-1521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 01:21:50 | DD-MM H:MI:SS | 05-12 1:21:50 | 0512-1-2150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 01:50:21 | MM-DD H:MI:SS | 12-05 1:50:21 | 1205-1-5021 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 01:51:21 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 1:51:21 | 5121-5121 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 02:02:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 02:02:15 | 5120-2-0215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 02:05:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 02:05:21 | 1250-2-0521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 02:12:52 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 2:12:52 | 1252-1252 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 02:21:50 | DD-MM H:MI:SS | 05-12 2:21:50 | 0512-2-2150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec 2024, 02:21:50 | DD-MM-YY H:MI:SS | 05-12-24 2:21:50 | 05122-4-22150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 02:22:15 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 2:22:15 | 5122-2215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 02:25:21 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 2:25:21 | 1252-2521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 02:50:21 | MM-DD H:MI:SS | 12-05 2:50:21 | 1205-2-5021 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec 2024, 02:50:21 | MM-DD-YY H:MI:SS | 12-05-24 2:50:21 | 12052-4-25021 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 02:51:22 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 2:51:22 | 5122-5122 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 03:02:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 03:02:15 | 5120-3-0215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 03:05:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 03:05:21 | 1250-3-0521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 03:12:53 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 3:12:53 | 1253-1253 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 03:21:50 | DD-MM H:MI:SS | 05-12 3:21:50 | 0512-3-2150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 03:32:15 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 3:32:15 | 5123-3215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 03:35:21 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 3:35:21 | 1253-3521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 03:50:21 | MM-DD H:MI:SS | 12-05 3:50:21 | 1205-3-5021 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 03:51:23 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 3:51:23 | 5123-5123 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 04:02:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 04:02:15 | 5120-4-0215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 04:05:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 04:05:21 | 1250-4-0521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 04:12:54 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 4:12:54 | 1254-1254 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 04:21:50 | DD-MM H:MI:SS | 05-12 4:21:50 | 0512-4-2150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec 2024, 04:22:15 | D-MM-YY HH:MI:SS | 5-12-24 04:22:15 | 51224-0-42215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec 2024, 04:22:15 | D-MM-YY H:MI:SS | 5-12-24 4:22:15 | 51224-42215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec 2024, 04:25:21 | MM-D-YY HH:MI:SS | 12-5-24 04:25:21 | 12524-0-42521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec 2024, 04:25:21 | MM-D-YY H:MI:SS | 12-5-24 4:25:21 | 12524-42521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 04:42:15 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 4:42:15 | 5124-4215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 04:45:21 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 4:45:21 | 1254-4521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 04:50:21 | MM-DD H:MI:SS | 12-05 4:50:21 | 1205-4-5021 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 04:51:24 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 4:51:24 | 5124-5124 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 05:02:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 05:02:15 | 5120-5-0215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 05:05:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 05:05:21 | 1250-5-0521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 05:12:55 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 5:12:55 | 1255-1255 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 05:21:50 | DD-MM H:MI:SS | 05-12 5:21:50 | 0512-5-2150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 05:50:21 | MM-DD H:MI:SS | 12-05 5:50:21 | 1205-5-5021 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 05:51:25 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 5:51:25 | 5125-5125 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 05:52:15 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 5:52:15 | 5125-5215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 05:55:21 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 5:55:21 | 1255-5521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 06:02:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 06:02:15 | 5120-6-0215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 06:05:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 06:05:21 | 1250-6-0521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 06:12:56 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 6:12:56 | 1256-1256 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 06:21:50 | DD-MM H:MI:SS | 05-12 6:21:50 | 0512-6-2150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 06:50:21 | MM-DD H:MI:SS | 12-05 6:50:21 | 1205-6-5021 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 06:51:26 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 6:51:26 | 5126-5126 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 07:02:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 07:02:15 | 5120-7-0215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 07:05:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 07:05:21 | 1250-7-0521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 07:12:57 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 7:12:57 | 1257-1257 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 07:21:50 | DD-MM H:MI:SS | 05-12 7:21:50 | 0512-7-2150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 07:50:21 | MM-DD H:MI:SS | 12-05 7:50:21 | 1205-7-5021 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 07:51:27 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 7:51:27 | 5127-5127 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 08:02:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 08:02:15 | 5120-8-0215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 08:05:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 08:05:21 | 1250-8-0521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 08:12:58 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 8:12:58 | 1258-1258 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 08:21:50 | DD-MM H:MI:SS | 05-12 8:21:50 | 0512-8-2150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 08:50:21 | MM-DD H:MI:SS | 12-05 8:50:21 | 1205-8-5021 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 08:51:28 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 8:51:28 | 5128-5128 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 09:02:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 09:02:15 | 5120-9-0215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 09:05:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 09:05:21 | 1250-9-0521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 09:12:59 | MM-D H:MI:SS | 12-5 9:12:59 | 1259-1259 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 09:21:50 | DD-MM H:MI:SS | 05-12 9:21:50 | 0512-9-2150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 09:50:21 | MM-DD H:MI:SS | 12-05 9:50:21 | 1205-9-5021 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 09:51:29 | D-MM H:MI:SS | 5-12 9:51:29 | 5129-5129 | Repeats 4 x 2 |
5 Dec, 10:12:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 10:12:15 | 5121-0-1215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 10:15:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 10:15:21 | 1251-0-1521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 11:12:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 11:12:15 | 5121-1-1215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 11:15:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 11:15:21 | 1251-1-1521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 11:21:50 | DD-MM HH:MI:SS | 05-12 11:21:50 | 05121-12150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 11:50:21 | MM-DD HH:MI:SS | 12-05 11:50:21 | 12051-15021 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 12:12:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 12:12:15 | 5121-2-1215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 12:15:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 12:15:21 | 1251-2-1521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 13:12:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 13:12:15 | 5121-3-1215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 13:15:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 13:15:21 | 1251-3-1521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 14:12:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 14:12:15 | 5121-4-1215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 14:15:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 14:15:21 | 1251-4-1521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec 2024, 14:22:15 | D-MM-YY HH:MI:SS | 5-12-24 14:22:15 | 51224-1-42215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec 2024, 14:25:21 | MM-D-YY HH:MI:SS | 12-5-24 14:25:21 | 12524-1-42521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 15:15:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 15:15:21 | 1251-5-1521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 16:12:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 16:12:15 | 5121-6-1215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 16:15:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 16:15:21 | 1251-6-1521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 17:12:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 17:12:15 | 5121-7-1215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 17:15:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 17:15:21 | 1251-7-1521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 18:12:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 18:12:15 | 5121-8-1215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 18:15:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 18:15:21 | 1251-8-1521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 19:12:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 19:12:15 | 5121-9-1215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 19:15:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 19:15:21 | 1251-9-1521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 20:22:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 20:22:15 | 5122-0-2215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec 2024, 20:25:21 | MM-D-YYYY HH:MI:SS | 12-5-2024 20:25:21 | 125202-4-202521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 20:25:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 20:25:21 | 1252-0-2521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 21:22:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 21:22:15 | 5122-1-2215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec 2024, 21:42:02 | YYYY-MM-D HH:MI:SS | 2024-12-5 21:42:02 | 202412-5-214202 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 21:50 | DD-MM HH:MI | 05-12 21:50 | 0512-2150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec 2024, 22:15 | D-MM-YY HH:MI | 5-12-24 22:15 | 5122-4-2215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 22:21:50 | DD-MM HH:MI:SS | 05-12 22:21:50 | 05122-22150 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 22:22:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 22:22:15 | 5122-2-2215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 22:25:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 22:25:21 | 1252-2-2521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 22:50:21 | MM-DD HH:MI:SS | 12-05 22:50:21 | 12052-25021 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 23:22:15 | D-MM HH:MI:SS | 5-12 23:22:15 | 5122-3-2215 | Palindrome (reverse) |
5 Dec, 23:25:21 | MM-D HH:MI:SS | 12-5 23:25:21 | 1252-3-2521 | Palindrome (reverse) |
The results table highlights the dates that are most interesting and easiest to read in green. The type of pattern shows whether the date is a reversible date (palindrome) or repeatable date.